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Animal behaviour on Mastodon

Follow animal behaviour researchers on Mastodon

You want to easily get in touch with Ethologists, Neuroethologists, Behavioural ecologists, Collective behaviour researchers from around the world on Mastodon? This page lists accounts from animal behaviour scientists, societies and institutions and offers an easy method to find new profiles and follow multiple accounts at once.

If you are new to Mastodon and do not really know how to proceed from here, there are guides such as this one to help you start. As for the choice of instance, we, at Animal Behaviour Live, trusted the ecoevo.social instance, initiated by Dr Alexis Simon. Other academic instances surely are equally suitable, such as Fediscience or Scholar Social.

How to?

Just decide if you want to follow all or only some of the accounts listed below, for instance by filtering by keyword or language. You can then download a .csv file, which you can upload to your Mastodon account in order to follow all the accounts you selected at once. This leaflet shows the few steps you need to follow.

Alternative method
If you want to connect to your account and directly follow people from Animal Behaviour or other disciplines, you can also use Mark Igra’s interface for finding Academics on Mastodon, which is based on more lists from other disciplines.

Further information on how to be added or removed to the list can be found at the bottom of this page.

Clicking on a keyword or language allows you to filter the list; clicking the activated keyword/language again will undo the filter.

Accounts by handle, name, and profile link (most recent first)

Joining this list is based on explicit demand. Fill this form to join the list or update your entry.
Contact us with a direct message on Mastodon @animalbehaviourlive@ecoevo.social to be removed from it.