
Our conference is organised over two days, across three sessions.
View/Download the full schedule and the abstract booklet.

Session Time UTC+0 In your local time ()
Day 1, Session 1
Day 1, Session 2
Day 1, Session 3
Day 2, Session 1
Day 2, Session 2
Day 2, Session 3

ABL2023 features multiple contributions, live streamed on YouTube, in addition to social interactions in a dedicated Discord server.

Plenary speakers

Dr Audrey Dussutour
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Slime holds But Were Afraid to Ask
Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University, CNRS, France
Dr Sarah Benson-Amram
Cognition, behaviour, and ecology of urban carnivores
University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka
Conserving Gorillas through a One Health Approach
Conservation Through Public Health, Uganda
Dr Walter Farina
Honey bee cognition in agricultural settings: how landscape and social behavior are affected each other
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Session Time UTC+0 In your local time ()
Dr Koustubh Sharma
Dr Gabriel Francescoli
Dr Kristal Cain
Dr Renee Borges
Dr Erica Van de Waal
Dr Christina Kwapich


Talks are 20 minutes total (15 minutes for the talk with 5 additional minutes for questions) and presented on a live stream. The full schedule of talks can be found on this link, with abstracts available in the abstract booklet. All talks are available on demand right after the live stream, throughout the conference, using the same links as the live streamed sessions.


ABL AOC 2023 will feature several workshops and events which are organised in between the talk sessions on the same days of the conference. These include workshops on free software to track animal behaviours and interaction events with our plenary speakers

Meet the free tracking tools

A series of four presentations highlighting free tracking software that can be used to study animal behaviour at different scales. We will host the developers of the following software:

Session Time UTC+0 In your local time ()
idTracker workshop
BORIS workshop
AnimalTA workshop
SLEAP workshop

Meet the PI

During these 45-minute discussions, you will have the pleasure of learning more about the academic journey of four of this year's plenary speakers: Dr. Koustubh Sharma, Dr. Gabriel Francescoli, Dr. Erica Van de Waal, Dr. Christina Kwapich.

Session Time UTC+0 In your local time ()
Meet the PI: Dr Koustubh Sharma
Meet the PI: Dr Gabriel Francescoli
Meet the PI: Dr Erica Van de Waal
Meet the PI: Dr Christina Kwapich

Virtual posters

ABL AOC 2023 will feature 30+ virtual posters, short videos that can be watched on YouTube from a dedicated playlist or our Discord server. The virtual posters can be watched anytime over the course of the conference (and many even remain available on demand afterwards), and there are dedicated sessions to collectively watch them and ask questions to the speakers on Discord (see table below). Full virtual poster schedule.

Session Time UTC+0 In your local time ()
Posters #1 to #6
Posters #7 to #11
Posters #12 to #16
Posters #17 to #21
Posters #22 to #27
Posters #28 to #32