Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts is now open until 11 September 2024. Abstracts can be submitted through this form. We also now accept abstracts in a second language of your choice apart from English (although the english version will be used for the review).

Time Zone

If you are applying for a talk, keep in mind that three sessions are available depending on your time zone: you should only apply for the ones you can attend. The first session will be held from 7am to 10am (UTC+0), the second session from 2pm to 5pm (UTC+0) and the third session from 9pm to 12am (UTC+0), on both days. Make sure to carefully check the sessions that would suit your time zone before applying.

Session Time UTC+0 In your local time ()
Day 1, Session 1
Day 1, Session 2
Day 1, Session 3
Day 2, Session 1
Day 2, Session 2
Day 2, Session 3

Abstract Guideline

Regardless of the format (Talk/Virtual-poster), the abstract itself should be less than 300 words excluding title, authors, and affiliations. Abstracts should not contain figures or references. Each participant is only allowed to submit one abstract as a presenting author. Online submission through the website form is the only method accepted for abstract submission. You can also submit an abstract in a second language of your choice which will be made available in our abstract booklet if you are selected for a talk/poster. However only the abstract in English will be used for review and selection purposes
Abstract notifications will be available by late September and sent by email to the submitting author. Please contact us at should you have any questions regarding abstract submissions.

Talk format

Talks should be 20 minutes total (15 minutes for the talk with 5 additional minutes for questions) and presented only by the submitting author. Talks will be live streamed on our Youtube channel but there is an option for pre-recorded talks. Please note that the live stream will only be accessible to those registered for the conference. Talks will be archived as permanent public videos on the YouTube channel only if the presenter and all authors give explicit permission. In the absence of consent, live streams will be removed from Youtube two weeks after the conference and will not be accessible afterwards.

Ensuring diversity in the speaker list

The abstract selection will be blind to the names and institutions but will assure, to the fullest extent possible, gender equality, fair representation of underrepresented sociological groups and homogeneous geographical distribution.

Interactions with attendees

Each speaker (talk or virtual poster alike) will have a dedicated channel on a Discord server where conference attendees will be able to ask questions during the entirety of the conference. This is a great way to network with researchers from all over the world!

Virtual-poster format

Powerpoint/Keynote/Beamer presentations with max 6 slides (including title slide) with pre-recorded audio presentation (max 5 minutes). Virtual-poster presentations will be available on our YouTube channel in a specific sub-section, as unlisted videos, only accessible to those registered for the conference. They will be available during the entire conference and will remain on YouTube after the conference only if presenters give their explicit consent. In the absence of consent, virtual posters will be deleted from YouTube two weeks after the conference and will not be accessible afterwards.
A complete tutorial for preparing and recording your virtual poster will be sent along with selected abstract notifications. Feel also free to have a look to the virtual posters of the previous conferences on YouTube.

How to make your virtual poster?