Animal Behaviour Live is now a legal association governed by the French Law of 1 July 1901 and the Decree of 16 August 1901. The aim of this association is to promote the sharing of knowledge in the scientific field of animal behaviour, as well as critically studying the academic practises prevalent in the animal behaviour community. To facilitate this, we primarily organise online events with a focus on inclusivity, accessibility and sustainability, bringing together animal behaviour researchers from all over the globe.
Organisation of the Association
1. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for managing the association’s activities and ensuring that decisions taken by the General Assembly (refer to the “Members” section for more information) are implemented.
Board members are elected once a year during the General Assembly from within the members of the association and play a central role in the governance of the association. They provide leadership on issues such as strategic direction, operational oversight and ensuring alignment with the organisation's mission and goals.
2. Members
Members are individuals with access to the annual General Assembly, where a report from the previous year’s activities is provided and key decisions are made. Members can influence the future of the association by suggesting ideas, or voting for different propositions. They are also required to vote for the Board of Directors’ applicants.
By becoming a member, individuals can take part in important decision-making processes and actively shape the associations’s activities.
Members are also welcome to attend each monthly general meeting organised to synchronise the organisation of ABL events.
Members are not required to volunteer to organise events through ABL, so they can get involved at their own level of commitment and comfort (For example, a member can only attend the annual general meeting, without being obliged to attend each monthly general meeting for the organisation of events).
3. Volunteers
Volunteers assist with the organization and execution of various events held by the ABL association. They play a crucial role in making sure events run smoothly, from logistical arrangements to helping with event management.
To be a volunteer one must be a member of the association, thus ensuring that volunteers understand the goals of ABL and are actively participating in the association’s internal processes .